Sunday, November 26, 2006

Snoring -- Holiday Accompaniements & Other Breathing Exercises

We were going to spend today in a genial haze, beginning with a nap in which the retriever managed to wiggle between us and snooze on the pillow. It's warm and relaxing to realize the the dog and the SO have matching hair and temperments, which helps one to nap peacefully. Until the dog rolls over. And stretches all four paws into the back of his master while yawning and drooling over my pillow. At this point, the nap is essentially over, replaced by a rolling hug/shove fest in which the retriever tries to reassert his position as nap leader while the rest of us to try to retake the bed. It usually ends, as it did this morning, with the retriever in posession. This leads to the next stage of end-of-holiday activities...getting crosswise with your SO over ways to enjoy the LAST DAY OF THE HOLIDAY. Do you realize that we have to go back to work tomorrow? Suddenly, people are yelling, pouting, and generally treating each other like children who must go back to work the next day. In this way, neither person is actually responsible for choosing something to do on that last day. Instead, the afternoon is left to quiet time (reading, napping, blogging) while one recovers from the headache brought on by the fight brought on by the LAST DAY OF THE HOLIDAY brought on by having to work for a living. Which, of course, reminds one to be thankful that one has a job, a SO, and two dogs to keep one company. Shortly, one will also have chicken salad prepared in the mini food processor, which will make up for the awful Thanksgiving turkey. Compressed turkeysteroids that took twice as long to cook, resulting in a Martian-dry landscape of stuffing would have made a better science project (or Sci Fi show) than dinner. Fortunately, my SO has both more patience and a greater ability to stomach funky meat dishes than I do. The dogs probably would have loved a turkey football of their own, but we didn't have a back-up plan. Now, for the Christmas Music Siesta!!

Best wishes,

Chrissa :)

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