Friday, November 24, 2006

Turkeys and Other Gobblers

Yawn. In the perfect hobbit tradition, I've had breakfast (early slice of pie, deviled eggs) and second breakfast (crusty homemade stuffing, potato salad), cleaned my dishes and am preparing for a pleasant midmorning nap. There will be no crazy shopping frenzy, which I'll just chalk up on the Board of Things I'm Thankful For, along with naps and warm fuzzy puppies. Yesterday, my SO recreated his mother's Thanksgiving feast in credible, edible detail. We watched the parade (and I monitored my inane chatter/constant promotion tolerance, finding it severly low this year) and the dog show. What with one thing and another, it was a day that I was thankful for, lots of togetherness and no running around and collapsing exhausted with a plate in the early afternoon. This should be about NaNoWriMo, and the triumph of 50K, but that's just not quite top of the list this morning. Rather, I'm glad that all of us were together this year, my SO and two wonderful SDs (significant dogs) and that we were able to share another glorious afternoon napping under the influence of turkey and sentiment. :)

Best wishes & happy holidays,

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