Sunday, November 12, 2006

Eye Strain

Back on track with my NaNo project, I'm having to type this with my eyes closed because I've managed to strain them with a few marathon weekend writing sessions. It's a beautiful day, or so'm led to believe. I'm sitting in the dark of the computer room and tyring to dream of a low-carb casserole that I can bring t owork tomorrow, since it's my day to bring lunch. I've decided to give up on the low-carb thing at work because I'm not much of a salad person and I'm not really following the diet except every other day at work. I was accused of being one step away from a starch molecule in college and I'm just going to have to say that lumps come with the territory.

I'm coming through the slog where I was really disliking my characters. I'm sure they were just as bored as I was with the narrow strictures of their storylines. I've turned them out in the 'real' world now as refugees from the fantastic. They are learning the language, adapting to different light and noise levels, and learning to date!! Admittedly, I'm fudging the language adaption, since I'm positing a magical translation protocol that is no longer functioning when they hit the Gulf Coast in the 70's. That's really difficult for me -- I've never had more than a passing knowledge of another language and I don't really know how long immersion would take you. Similar language bases? A common language based on the closest geographical area to your fantasy realm? I could get away with that for one of the characters. I know that I won't be inventing a lexicon or a different language, so everything will be monolingual in the story.

The language bothers me somewhat, since I'm hoping to chart a realistic evolution that involves a society running in parallel to ours, several running on unrelated but rumored tangents to ours, and our own. We'll see how this goes over the next half of the book. Now, I just need a kick start for the plot so the action starts up.


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