Monday, December 10, 2007

Stalled in the Front Lane

Where is the cool weather? There are rumors of cooler weather on the way and lots of grey clouds and drizzly bits of rain--so far, though, not so much actual coolness. At least the grey weather makes all the Christmas decorations really pop on the way to work, so I arrive at work full of Christmas anticipation. Yea!!

I think this will be our weekend to put lights up and I can't wait to see whether the net lights we are trying for the first time this year work on the bushes that have taken over the side of the house. One of these days I expect one of them to slip a ransom note in my hand--Install that underground watering system if you ever want to see your house number again, bwa ha ha. Love, the photinas.--but so far they've just continued to sprout upward.

Since I'm in here nattering on the blog, the retriever is eating. He only eats when someone is in the room with him or if he is stuck in the room by himself for an extended period of time. If you walk by the gate, he will run up dribbling kibble. Blech. It's much easier to let him eat on "his" schedule while updating blog entries. Unless you have not much to say, which is pretty much today's theme.

Meanwhile, I'm going to go cheer on the cool front.

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