Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fruit of the Group...

Yea!!!! Split, the first book from my weekly writer's group has been uploaded to Lulu. We have come very close to meeting our deadlines for the 2007 project, which was to create a series of stories that dealt with dichotomies, either internally or across multiple works and publish it as a capstone to a very successful year for several members of the group. One of the best things about the group is that I have the chance to work with some very talented and dedicated people, which raises the standards that I've set for myself. Although I was frustrated earlier (Kevin claims it is entirely attitudinal), I think this is just the year that I'm going to have to develop a better work ethic. The stories that are important to me have to remain important to me when I'd rather veg in front of the TV, after a day of footling about at work, or, more importantly, when the laundry is singing it's siren song of 'come accomplish something concrete.' You have to reevaluate your standards when folding towels seems like a better use of time than finishing a short story. Honestly, you can use a towel if it NEVER gets folded. On the other hand, if I finish that online course in folding towels in monkey shapes, I'll never have to put them up either, just hang them around the house in amusing simian tableaux. Perhaps I should redo the house on a Victorian theme...oh wait, there was that writing thing.

Our new project is a series of short stories based on letters we exchanged at our last meeting. Again, I was a little non-plussed by the letter I received, but then a sarcastic and demanding narrative voice took over. Wow! So that's where all the British mystery lingo went. Apparently it went directly into my inner literary snob, Marcus, who looks like a young Gene Wilder and sounds like he reads too much mystery fiction. Oh, and he's handy at picking locks, because practical knowledge is sometimes more fun. It's weird to find out your inner Brit resembles Gene Wilder.

If you're interested in braving the dichotomous waters of Split, the link is Many of us have stories in this one and there are several great short stories (including a few contest winners) waiting for a few moments with a reader (probably not just before bed, however...). In fact, some of them might be lurking in a dark corner right now.


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